Multiphysics.us is intended to be a web portal for multiphysics and its applications in materials including porous materials. This website provides the basic knowledge, application tool sets, and networking information for multiphysics. The website will be continuously developed into an online learning environment, a multiphysics library, and an information exchange platform for multiphysics. The goal is to significantly flatten and shorten the learning curve of multiphysics and to offer a platform and knowledge hub so that experts from the various areas involving multiphysics can exchange and document ideas.
This community-level outreach and education effort started with the financial support of the United States National Science Foundation Award CMMI 1562522. The continuous development of the website is attributed to the sponsorships and donations from our industrial and private supporters. Continuouly-updated acknowledgement and sponsor lists will be provided.
Multiphysics.us is structured in the way illustrated in the following figure. This About page gives out the basic information. Please visit the pages under Basics if you want to know about the basic theories of multiphysics including the necessary background knowledge, mathematics, monolithic physics, multiphyiscs, and implementations. More systematic and advanced knowledge can be found on the pages under Learning. You can also locate information for multiphysics research such as benchmark problems on these pages. Information about who are working on multiphysics and how to get connected to them can be found on the pages under Networking. To contribute to the further development of multiphysics.us, please check the pages under Contribute. You will find ways to donate to and to contact the website management and development team. Lists of sponsors and supporters can be also be found there.